Contacting RFS&I

Mail: PO Box 527
          Red Feather Lakes   CO   80545

Phone: 970-881-2175


Office location: 58 Fire House Lane
          Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

Office Hours
    April  -  by appointment only
    May 1 - Sept 2
        Monday and Wednesday - 8 AM to noon
        Friday - 4 to 8 PM
        Saturday - 8 AM to noon
    Sept 4 - Oct 31
        Wednesday and Saturday - 8 AM to noon
Patrol Personnel - 970-218-9154
    Forwards to the on-duty person
    Dan Spelts
    Andrew Godfrey
    Don Gilmore
    Ericca Hirt

Office Manager - Allison Harrell

Board Members
    Greg Pickerel - President
    Dave Mosnik - Vice President
    Paul Barker - Secretary
    David Frydendall - Treasurer
    Mike Calhoon
    Joe Jacklovich
    Roger Svendsen

We're managing our office as follows: